तुम्हारे ही रहेंगे हम Tumhare Hi Rahenge Hum Lyrics - Stree 2 | Sharadha Kapoor | Rajkumar Rao

Experience the magic of "Tumhare Hi Rahenge Hum" from Stree 2! Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao shine in this soulful track, sung by Shilpa Rao, Varun Jain, and Sachin-Jigar. With captivating music by Sachin-Jigar and hearfelt lyrics by Amitabh Bhattacharya

Verse 1:
The song begins with the reminiscence of a promise made at a particular place, a symbol of love and commitment:
"Phir se milne ki jahan pe
De gaye thhe tum qasam
Dekh lo aa kar wahiñ pe
Aaj bhi baithe huye haiñ hum"

Here, the narrator reflects on the spot where they once pledged to reunite, emphasizing their patience and fidelity as they continue to wait at that same place. The imagery is powerful, suggesting a timeless vigil held by the lover.

"Tumhare thhe
Tumhare haiñ
Tumhare hi rahenge hum"

This chorus is a declaration of undying love, repeating the sentiment that the narrator belongs to their beloved in the past, present, and future. It’s an affirmation of eternal devotion, reinforcing the idea that true love is unchanging and constant.

Verse 2:
The passage of time is depicted as something fleeting and almost irrelevant when compared to the depth of their love:
"Muddateiñ bhi chand lamhoñ
Jaisi lagti haiñ sanam
Baat hi aisi tumhare
Ishq mein kuchh hai
Mere humdum"

The lover conveys that even long periods feel like mere moments because of the intensity and purity of their love. The phrase "Baat hi aisi tumhare Ishq mein kuchh hai" suggests that there's something magical and profound in their beloved's love that makes time inconsequential.

"Vaada tha kab ka
Ab jaa ke aaye
Phir bhi ganeemat aaye toh haiñ"

This segment highlights the fulfillment of a long-awaited promise, albeit delayed. There's a sense of relief and gratitude that the beloved has finally arrived, even if it took a long time. It underscores the enduring hope and the value of keeping promises in love.

 Verse 3:
The song then makes an earnest plea:
"Aaiye aaiye shauq se aaiye
Aaiye aake iss baar na jaiye"

This plea invites the beloved to come and stay, expressing a desire for permanence and stability in their presence. The repetition of "aaiye" (come) emphasizes the longing and the importance of their arrival.

Verse 4:
"Bichhad ke bhi humsafar se
Vafa jo kar paye haiñ
Iss aatish ke samandar se
Wahi toh guzar paaye haiñ"

The lover reflects on their ability to remain faithful despite separation, describing their journey through a "sea of fire"—a metaphor for the hardships endured in the name of love. The lyrics highlight resilience and the ability to overcome obstacles for the sake of loyalty.

 Verse 5:
"Nahin mili heer toh kya
Rahe usi ke vo phir bhi
Tabhi ranajhe wahi sach maayne mein
Kehlaaye haiñ"

Here, the song references the legendary love story of Heer and Ranjha, stating that even without being together, true lovers remain devoted. The mention of Ranjha as a true lover, despite not uniting with Heer, reinforces the idea that genuine love transcends physical presence.

"Wahi sachhi mohabbat hai
Kabhi hoti nahin jo kam
Tumhare thhe
Tumhare haiñ
Tumhare hi rahenge hum"

The song concludes by affirming that true love never diminishes. The repetition of the chorus serves as a powerful reminder of the narrator's unwavering commitment and the eternal nature of their love.

Overall, "Phir se milne ki jahan pe" is a deeply emotional and lyrical exploration of love, patience, and fidelity. It paints a vivid picture of a lover's dedication, capturing the essence of timeless romance and the enduring power of true love.

Song Credits
Music - Sachin - Jigar
Singers : Varun Jain, Shilpa Rao, Sachin-Jigar 
Lyrics : Amitabh Bhattacharya
Movie: stree 2
Stree 2 in cinemas 15th August 2024

Lyrics in Hindi 

फिर से मिलने की जहां पे
दे गये थे तुम कसम

देख लो आ कर वहीं पे
आज भी बैठे हुए हैं हम

तुम्हारे थे
तुम्हारे हैं
तुम्हारे ही रहेंगे हम
तुम्हारे थे
तुम्हारे हैं
तुम्हारे ही रहेंगे हम

मुद्दतें भी चंद लम्हों
जैसी लगती है सनम

बात ही ऐसी तुम्हारी
इश्क में कुछ है
महज़ हमदम

तुम्हारे थे
तुम्हारे हैं
तुम्हारे ही रहेंगे हम
तुम्हारे थे
तुम्हारे हैं
तुम्हारे ही रहेंगे हम

वादा था कब का
अब जा के आये
फिर भी गनीमत आई तो है
वादा था कब का
अब जा के आये
फिर भी गनीमत आई तो है

आइये शौक़ से आइये
आइये आके इस बार ना जाये

बिछड़ के भी हमसफ़र से
वफ़ा जो कर पाए हैं

इस आतिश के समंदर से
वही तो गुजर पाए हैं

नहीं मिली हीर तो क्या
रहे उसी के वो फिर भी

तबही रानाजे वही सच मायने में
कहलाए हैं 

कहलाए हैं..

वही सच्ची मोहब्बत है
कभी होती नहीं जो कम

तुम्हारे थे
तुम्हारे हैं
तुम्हारे ही रहेंगे हम

वादा था कब का
अब जा के आये
फिर भी गनीमत आई तो है
वादा था कब का
अब जा के आये
फिर भी गनीमत आई तो है

आइये शौक़ से आइये
आइये आके इस बार ना जाये

Lyrics in English 

Phir se milne ki jahan pe
De gaye thhe tum qasam

Dekh lo aa kar wahin pe
Aaj bhi baithe huye hain hum

Tumhare thhe
Tumhare hain
Tumhare hi rahenge hum
Tumhare thhe
Tumhare hain
Tumhare hi rahenge hum

Muddateiñ bhi chand lamhoñ
Jaisi lagti hain sanam

Baat hi aisi tumhare
Ishq mein kuchh hai
Mere humdum

Tumhare thhe
Tumhare hain
Tumhare hi rahenge hum
Tumhare thhe
Tumhare hain
Tumhare hi rahenge hum

Vaada tha kab ka
Ab jaa ke aaye
Phir bhi ganeemat aaye toh hain
Vaada tha kab ka
Ab jaa ke aaye
Phir bhi ganeemat aaye toh hain

Aaiye aaiye shauq se aaiye
Aaiye aake iss baar na jaiye

Bichhad ke bhi humsafar se
Vafa jo kar paye hain

Iss aatish ke samandar se
Wahi toh guzar paaye hain

Nahin mili heer toh kya
Rahe usi ke vo phir bhi

Tabhi ranajhe wahi sach maayne mein
Kehlaaye hain

Kehlaaye hain..

Wahi sachhi mohabbat hai
Kabhi hoti nahin jo kam

Tumhare thhe
Tumhare haiñ
Tumhare hi rahenge hum

Vaada tha kab ka
Ab jaa ke aaye
Phir bhi ganeemat aaye toh hain
Vaada tha kab ka
Ab jaa ke aaye
Phir bhi ganeemat aaye toh hain

Aaiye aaiye shauq se aaiye
Aaiye aake iss baar na jaiye


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