
bhojpuri song लेबल वाली पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

बाप ना बिगडले त बेटा का उखाड़ ली Baap Na Bigadle Ta Beta Ka Ukhad Li - Tuntun Yadav And Shrishti Bharti

  " Baap Na Bigadle Ta Beta Ka Ukhad Li " is a Bhojpuri song that embodies the raw, rebellious, and street-style attitude often found in regional music. The song's lyrics revolve around a tough, no-nonsense persona who boasts about his power, fearlessness, and dominance over rivals. The central theme is about asserting authority and the idea that if the father (the elder) is not angered or defeated, then the son (the younger) will not stand a chance. This phrase reflects a challenge to anyone daring to cross paths with the protagonist. The lyrics use bold and threatening language, like " पीछा नाही छोड़बा त भाई गोली मार दी" (If you don't back off, I'll shoot you) and "सारा रंगदारी तोहर खड़े खड़े झार दी"  (I'll  strip away all your gangster pride standing right here ), to establish the protagonist's dominance. There is also a sense of pride in one's connections, as seen in " हमर जेलवे में रोज आना जाना हवे" (I visit jail regu...

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