देखा तेनु Dekhha Tenu Pehli Pehli Vaar Ve Lyrics - Mr.&Mrs. | Mo Faiz


About Song (Discription)

"Dekhha Tenu Pehli Pehli Vaar" is a Punjabi romantic song that captures the overwhelming emotions and sensations of falling in love at first sight. The lyrics convey the intensity of the protagonist's feelings, highlighting the transformation of their world upon encountering their beloved.

 Verse 1
The song begins with the protagonist recounting the moment they first saw their love interest ("dekhha tenu pehli pehli vaar ve"). This initial encounter immediately stirs deep emotions, making their heart restless and eager ("hone lga dil bekaraar ve"). They are so captivated that they feel a profound change within themselves ("rabba mainu ki ho gya, dil janiye, main tera hi ho gya"), suggesting that they have fallen hopelessly in love.


In the chorus, the protagonist expresses their newfound devotion. They imagine themselves following their beloved everywhere, cherishing every moment, especially when they get to touch their hands ("ho tere agge piche ghume sohneya, jadon tere hath chumme sohneya"). These small interactions bring immense joy and sweetness to their life ("mitha mitha jee ho gya, dil janiye, haye mainu ki ho gya").

Verse 2
The second verse reveals the protagonist's deep-seated desire to stay close and loyal to their love interest ("main dil tere kadma ch rakhan dholna, main tere agge akhiyan na chakkan dholna"). They vow to keep their gaze fixed only on them, even if it means defying divine intervention ("je tere te rabb vichon takkna pave, te fir main tenu hi takkan dholna"). The protagonist admires their beloved’s physical beauty, particularly their hair ("tu jadon teri zulfan nu kholeya"), and feels captivated by their every word and movement ("mere kolon gya nahi je boleya, meri tu kami ho gya, dil janiye eh mainu ki ho gya").

The bridge of the song compares the beloved to the moon and the protagonist to the stars, highlighting their sense of awe and adoration ("tu mera chandarma aur hum tere taare hain"). The protagonist metaphorically lays the world at their beloved's feet, emphasizing the transformative impact they have on their surroundings ("yahan yahan tere paer parhe, wahan wahan nazare hain").

Verse 3
The final verse delves into the magical influence the beloved has over the protagonist ("jaadu hai re jaadu teri baaton mein"). Even in the darkest times, their presence brings light and joy ("suni suni kaali kaali raaton mein, tu roshni ho gya"). The protagonist’s entire perspective on life has changed due to their love ("dekh badlaan ne rang badle, udd de parindeyan ne fangg badle, te chann soche main ki badla’n, oh yaara tere karke malang badle"). The song closes with a repetition of the opening lines, underscoring the enduring impact of that first encounter ("dekhha tenu pehli pehli baar ve, hone lga dil bekaraar ve, rabba mainu ki ho gya").

"Dekhha Tenu Pehli Pehli Vaar" beautifully encapsulates the thrill and excitement of new love, using vivid imagery and heartfelt expressions to convey the protagonist's emotions. The recurring theme of transformation—both personal and environmental—illustrates the powerful influence of love, making this song a poignant ode to the beloved.

Song:- Dekhha Tenu
Singer :- Mohammad Faiz

Dekhha tenu pehli pehli vaar ve lyrics 

देखा तेनु पहली पहली वार वे

होने लगा दिल बेकरार वे

रब्बा मैनू की हो गया, दिल जानिये

मैं तेरा ही हो गया

हो तेरे अग्गे पीछे घुमे सोहनेया

जदों तेरे हाथ चुम्मे सोहनेया

मीठा मीठा जी हो गया, दिल जानिये

हाय मैनु की हो गया

मैं दिल तेरे कदम च राखं ढोलना

मैं तेरे अग्गे अखियां ना छक्कन ढोलना

जे तेरे ते रब्ब विचोन तक्कना पावे

ते फ़िर मैं तेनु ही टक्कन ढोलना

तू जदों तेरी जुल्फान नू खोलेया

मेरे कोलोन ग्या नहीं जे बोलेया

मेरी तू कमी हो गया

दिल जानिये एह मैनु की हो गया

ओ यहां यहां तेरे प्यार परहे

वहां वहां नजरे हैं

तू मेरा चंद्रमा और हम तेरे तारे हैं

ओ यहां यहां तेरे प्यार परहे

वहां वहां नजरे हैं

तू मेरा चंद्रमा और हम तेरे तारे हैं

तारे हैं तारे तेरी आँखों के तारे

मारे हैं मारे तेरी बातों के मारे

हो तेनु देख बदलां ने रंग बदले

हो उड्ड दे परिंदेयां ने फैंग बदले

ते चान्न सोचे मैं बदला

ओह यारा तेरे करके मलंग बदले

ओ जादू है रे जादू तेरी बातों में

सुनि सुनि काली काली रातों में

तू रोशनी हो गया

दिल जानिये एह मैनु की हो गया

देखा तेनु पहली पहली बार वे

होने लगा दिल बेकरार वे

रब्बा मैनू की हो गया

Dekhha tenu pehli pehli vaar ve lyrics

dekhha tenu pehli pehli vaar ve

hone lga dil bekaraar ve

rabba mainu ki ho gya, dil janiye

main tera hi ho gya

ho tere agge piche ghume sohneya

jadon tere hath chumme sohneya

mitha mitha jee ho gya, dil janiye

haye mainu ki ho gya

main dil tere kadma ch rakhan dholna

main tere agge akhiyan na chakkan dholna

je tere te rabb vichon takkna pave

te fir main tenu hi takkan dholna

tu jadon teri zulfan nu kholeya

mere kolon gya nahi je boleya

meri tu kami ho gya

dil janiye eh mainu ki ho gya

o yahan yahan tere paer parhe

wahan wahan nazare hain

tu mera chandarma aur hum tere taare hain

o yahan yahan tere paer parhe

wahan wahan nazare hain

tu mera chandarma aur hum tere taare hain

taare hain taare teri aankhon ke taare

maare hain maare teri baaton ke maare

ho tenu dekh badlaan ne rang badle

ho udd de parindeyan ne fangg badle

te chann soche main ki badla’n

oh yaara tere karke malang badle

o jaadu hai re jaadu teri baaton mein

suni suni kaali kaali raaton mein

tu roshni ho gya

dil janiye eh mainu ki ho gya

dekhha tenu pehli pehli baar ve

hone lga dil bekaraar ve

rabba mainu ki ho gya


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